Journal Publications
Sultan S, Duffy S, Madhavan P, Colgan MP, Moore D, Shanik G. Fifteen-year experience of transperitoneal management of inflammatory abdominal aortic aneurysms. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 1999 Dec;18(6):510-4. PMID: 10637148
Sultan S, Madhavan P, Colgan MP, Hughes N, Doyle M, Malloy M, Moore D, Shanik G. Aorto-left renal vein fistula: is there a place for endovascular management? J Endovasc Surg. 1999 Nov;6(4):375-7. PMID: 10893143
O'Donohoe MK, Sultan S, Colgan MP, Moore DJ, Shanik GD. Outcome of the first 100 femoropopliteal angioplasties performed in the operating theatre. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 1999 Jan;17(1):66-71. PMID: 10071620
Sultan S, O’Donohoe M, El Deeb M, Zaki A, El Mehairy N. Acute Aortic Dissection, Case Report of Debakey Type 11 [Stanford A], presenting as acute left upper limb ischaemia. Vascular Surgery 1999 33; 6: 717-719.
Sultan S, O’Donohoe M, Colgan MP, Moore D, Molloy M, Shanik G. Critical ischaemia; Transfemoral Endoluminal Aortic Management; A minimally invasive option in aortic Intervention. Vascular Surgery 1999 33,(2): 179-184
Sultan S, Madhavan P, Timlin M, Doyle M, Colgan MP, Moore D, Shanik G. Aorto-duodenal and Aorto-caval fistula with an accessory left Renal Arteryaneurysm presenting with heart failure and chronic anemia due to heamatemaesis. A case report. Vascular Surgery 1999 33;3: 291-294
Sultan S, McDonnell CO, O’Dowd M, Madhavan P, Colgan MP, Moore DJ, Shanik GD. Transcrural Antegrade Approach for pre-aneurysmal stenosis involving the coeliac trunk with coeliac and hepatic artery aneurysms. Case report and literature review. J of Ir Royal Coll of Phys Surg July 1999 28;3: 151-153
Abstract Publications
Sultan S, O’Donohoe M, El Deeb M, Zaki A, El Mehairy N. Acute Aortic Dissection, Case Report of Debakey Type 11 [Stanford A], presenting as acute left upper limb ischaemia. Vasc Surg 1999; 33(6) 717-719.
Sultan S, Madhavan P, Colgan MP, Moore D, Shanik G. Transfemoral Endoluminal Aortic Surgery: A Minimal Invasive Approach to Abdominal Aortic Surgery. Ir J Med Sci 1999; 168, Supp 6: 19.
Duffy ST, Sultan S, Colgan MP, Moore D, Shanik G. Popliteal Aneurysms: To treat or not to treat. Ir J Med Sci 1999; 168 Supp 2: 17
O’Riordan J, Sultan S, Madhavan P, Colgan MP, McEniff N, Molloy M, Moore D, Shanik G. Is Stenting of the Superficial Femoral Artery Justified? Ir J Med Sci 1999; 168 Supp 2: 14.
Sultan S, McDonnell CO, O’Dowd M, Madhavan P, Colgan MP, Moore DJ, Shanik GD. Transcrural Antegrade Approach for pre-aneurysmal stenosis involving the coeliac trunk with coeliac and hepatic artery aneurysms. Case report and literature review. J Ir R Coll Phys Surg 1999; 28(3):151-153.
Sultan S, Madhavan P, Timlin M, Doyle M, Colgan MP, Moore D, Shanik G. Aorto-duodenal and Aorto-caval fistula with an accessory left Renal Arteryaneurysm presenting with heart failure and chronic anemia due to heamatemaesis. A case report. Vasc Surg 1999; 33(3): 291-294