Journal Publications
Duffy ST, Colgan MP, Sultan S, Moore DJ, Shanik GD. Popliteal aneurysms: a 10-year experience. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 1998 Sep;16(3):218-22. PMID: 9787303
Abstract Publications
Sultan S, Madhavan P, O’Donohoe M, Colgan M, Moore D, Molloy M, Shanik G. Transfemoral Endoluminal Aortic Management. A minimally invasive option in aortic intervention... Ir J Med Sci 1998; 167, Supp 5: 13-14.
Madhavan P, Sultan S, Colgan MP, McEniff N, Molloy M, Moore D, Shanik G. A critical reappraisal of thrombolysis n a specialist vascular unit. Ir J Med Sci 1998; 167, Supp 5: 9-10.
Brady CM, Sultan SA, O’Donohoe MK, Colgan M, Molloy M, Moore, D, Shanik G. Initial experience with aortic stenting for aorto-iliac occlusive disease. Ir J Med Sci 1998; 167, Supp 4: 14-15..
Purcell E, O’Donohoe M, Sultan S, Colgan M, Molloy M, Moore D, Shanik G. Initial experience with the angiomed memotherm stent in femoro-popliteal occlusive disease. Ir J Med Sci 1998; 167, Supp 4: 10-11